Mauricetown Historical Society's
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) PLAN*


In accordance with our mission to preserve and perpetuate the rich history of Commercial Township and the Maurice River area, we are committed to making our facilities accessible to all who wish to visit regardless of individual disabilities.

While access to our second floor displays is limited due to stairs in two of the three buildings on our campus, we have been fortunate to obtain - through a generous donation - a professionally produced video documentary of our museum with all our displays, buildings, and grounds which can be viewed by anyone who is unable to climb stairs due to physical handicaps.

This video documentary can be shown on our audio-visual equipment in the cookhouse which is easily accessible without the use of stairs or ramps.

The use of animal guides is allowable throughout the campus.

Complaints and responses to complaints may be submitted in a variety of formats in order to accommodate various disabilities. These formats may include, but are not limited to, written letters or emails, verbal phone conversations, person to person conversation and via third parties. Meetings with individuals making complaints will be held in a fully accessible location.

* Amended by the Membership and Trustees on June 15, 2009.

Accessibility Checklist
The Edward Compton House Museum (two floors)*
Partial accessibility (first floor only) - three steps front entrance -
no elevator

The Abraham Hoy House (1830s stackhouse)
No accessibility.

Cookhouse (behind museum)
Accessible - small raised sill (approximately 4 inches) at entrance

The campus of the Mauricetown Historical Society at 1229 Front Street
Complete accessibility to the exteriors of all three buildings and grounds is via a non-encumbered grass lawn and level brick sidewalk.

* A video documentary of the museum, buildings and grounds is available upon request.


Mauricetown Historical Society