Meetings and Speakers


Regular meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Edward Compton House Museum Headquarters, 1229 Front Street, Mauricetown, NJ at 7:00 pm

Members are encouraged to attend and guests are always welcome. Refreshments served after each meeting.

Board Meets at 6:30 pm unless otherwise noted

January 21
No Executive Committee meeting

Regular meeting at 7:00 pm
The True History of Smokey the Bear
Present by Smokey's good friend Maryann Manzelmann

February 18 - Happy Valentine's Day

No Executive Committee meeting

Regular meeting at 7:00pm

March 18
- Happy St. Patrick's Day

"Luck of the Irish" Pot Luck Supper @ 6:00 pm

All members and guest are invited to attend and bring their favorite dish to share. Entrée, drinks and deserts provided.

April 15 -
Happy Easter

Executive Committee meeting 6:30 pm

Regular meeting at 7:00pm

Nominating Committee Appointed

"80th Anniversary of the Allied Pow Long March"
Presented by Judy Moore. Her father was a POW in Stalag Luft lll and took part in the German forced march in January 1945.

May 20 -
Welcome Spring

Executive Committee meeting 6:30 pm

Regular meeting at 7:00pm

Presentation of ballot for new officers.

June 17 -
Happy Flag Day

Executive Committee meeting 6:30 pm

Regular meeting at 7:00pm

Year in Review/Election of New Officers

The Edward Compton House Museum, Library and grounds are open to the public on the first and third Sundays of each month from 1:00-4:00pm with docents available. Special arrangements may be made available by calling 856-785-0457 and leaving a message.

Also See Events

Compton House Museum Headquarters, 1229 Front Street, Mauricetown, NJ

Speakers for subsequent meetings will be updated as information becomes available